Elizabeth 1 3 4
Kay Fuller Mitchell identifies Elizabeth Cox, widow of Joseph Cox who then married Henry Fuller, as the former Elizabeth Vaughn, but no source is provided. Robert Barnes confirms she was the widow Cox when she married Henry Fuller, but lists her maiden name as unknown. A review of the Vaughn family discussion in Barnes' book does not reveal any prospects for her father. Note that there was a marriage between a Joseph Cox and an Elizabeth Vaughn on 22 May 1738 in St. Peter's Parish in Talbot Co., MD. Since Joseph Cox of Baltimore Co. died in 1736 and his widow Elizabeth married Henry Fuller on 27 Aug 1838, the Talbot Co. marriage obviously involved different people. Query whether the Talbot Co. marriage wasn't the basis, mistakenly so, for asserting the maiden name of Elizabeth, wife of Henry Fuller, was Vaughn. 1 3 4 ![]() Elizabeth married Henry FULLER, son of John FULLER (II) and Sarah HEATH, on 27 Aug 1738 in Baltimore County, Maryland.1 3 (Henry FULLER was born 2 Feb 1713/14 or 2 Feb 1715/16 in Baltimore County, Maryland 3 5 6 7 and died By Jul 1790 in Caswell County, North Carolina 3 8 9.) |
1 Henry C. Peden, Jr, St. John's & St. George's Parish Registers 1696-1851 (Reprint of 1987 edition, Heritage Books, Westminster, Maryland, 2006), Page 41 (page 98 of St. John's Parish Register).
2 Kay Fuller Mitchell, Early Southern Fullers (The Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC, 2nd Ed., 2003), Page 58. Kay's book provides rich detail, including sources, about this Fuller family, both in Maryland and in North Carolina. For anyone interested in learning more about this Fuller family, this is a must-have book. Note that Kay credits Rich and Pat Fuller of Baltimore for providing many of the sources for the information about the Fullers while in Baltimore County, Maryland. The primary sources in that regard are Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759 by Robert W. Barnes and St. John's and St. George's Parish Registers, 1696-1851 by Henry C. Peden, Jr.
3 Kay Fuller Mitchell, Early Southern Fullers (The Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC, 2nd Ed., 2003), Page 58.
4 Robert W. Barnes, Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989), FHL Call No. 975.271 D2b, Page 141.
5 Henry C. Peden, Jr, St. John's & St. George's Parish Registers 1696-1851 (Reprint of 1987 edition, Heritage Books, Westminster, Maryland, 2006), Page 4 (page 7 of transcribe source).
6 Robert W. Barnes, Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989), FHL Call No. 975.271 D2b, Page 234.
7 Family Records of Richard Lawrence Fuller (http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/f/u/l/Richard-L-Fuller/index.html). Richard descends through Samuel Fuller, the son of John Fuller (III) and his second wife, Sarah Gott.
8 Family Records of Richard Lawrence Fuller (http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/f/u/l/Richard-L-Fuller/index.html).
Record of Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates, Caswell County, North Carolina, Book B, 1783-1792, FHL Film No. 18,418, Pages 341-343, 368 and 370.
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