William Shelton FARRIS
(1833-1910) |
William Shelton FARRIS 2
The family records of Margaret Lester Hill contain additional information on the descendants of William Shelton Farris and Sarah Ann Smith, based on the Isaac Smith Family Bible.
The cited source notes there is a William Shelton Farris buried on the Tim Shipley farm on the south side of Rt. 685. However, the dates on the tombstone are 11 Apr 1840 and 31 Dec 1912, which doesn't match the other family records for the subject. Census records for Barren County for 1910 show there were two persons named William Shelton Farris. However, the date of birth per the tombstone does not match the census record for the second William Shelton Farris either. Query who is buriied on Tim Shipley farm. ![]() William married Sarah Ann SMITH on 13 Oct 1859.3 (Sarah Ann SMITH was born in 1840 in Kentucky 3 and died in 1914 3.) |
1 Family Records of Margaret Lester Hill, citing "Isaac Smith Family Bible," Traces, Vol. 17, No. 2, Pages 46-47. Margaret "Peggy" Lester Hill is a great great granddaughter of John King and his second wife, Elizabeth Priest, through their daughter, Elizabeth Carrington King Sanderson. Her mother was born in Barren County, Kentucky, so she is not far removed from her Barren County roots. She is an exceptional researcher who has lovingly preserved the history of our King family. She and her mother registered the John King Cemetery with the South Central Kentucky Historical Society. Peggy's e-mail address is hillsqtr15@keyisp.net and her postal address is 489 Middle Gate, Irvington, VA 22480.
2 Family Records of Margaret Lester Hill.
Family Records of Margaret Lester Hill, citing "Isaac Smith Family Bible," Traces, Vol. 17, No. 2, Pages 46-47.
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