My name is Robert E. Strong, Jr. I am the last of my line to carry the Strong surname, going back at least to my
great grandfather, James Riley Strong. It's possible there are living Strongs descended from my second great grandfather,
Hiram Strong, but I have not discovered any. It's not until you get back to my probable third great grandfather,
John Strong of Smith and Lincoln Counties, Tennessee, that one finally finds another living Strong among his descendants.
So if your name is Strong and you are looking for cousins, you may be barking up the wrong tree.
If you think otherwise, I would love to hear from you.
This website will be of primary interest to Strong descendants of my line who are not named Strong, including someday,
I hope, my grandchildren. Since my Y-Chromosome may be as important as my research in understanding my ancestors,
I participated in the Strong DNA study. The results of this study can be found at the link which follows.
Strong DNA Study
The study does not yet have the critical mass of participants necessary to make definitive findings. However, the
results clearly place me in the grouping of Southern Strongs. Although there have been no exact matches among the Southern
Strongs, another participant and I match with respect to 36 of the 37 markers, with the one mismatch being
a marker that is known to mutate more rapidly than the others. This close match is accepted as proof we share
a common ancestor. The research suggests this common ancestor was John Strong, Sr. of New Kent County, Virginia.
Hopefully, some of my German cousins will also find their way to this site. Inasmuch as the children of Charles
Jablonsky other than my grandmother did not have children of their own, the only Jablonsky cousins in the United States
are probably limited to the descendants of August Jablonsky and Gottlieb Jablonsky. The Stueckemann family presents more
possibilities for cousins.
Research Acknowledgments
I am indebted to two distinguished Strong researchers: first, the late Robert T. Strong, Jr., founder of
The Strong Quest website and author of the chapter on John Strong, Sr. of New Kent County, Virginia in Volume V of Strong
Family Histories, who graciously served as my guide when I was beginning my Strong research; and second, James Robert Rolff,
author of Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States, who I hope will continue to be a resource for Southern
Strongs for many years to come.
[N.B. At the end of 2007, Jim Rolff and his wife Sandra published a revision of
his Strong family history. If you are a "Southern Strong," this is a must have book. For ordering information,
go to http://www.jamesrolff.com/.]
Likewise, I am indebted to Doris Scrivner Collier, author of The Descendants of Benjamin Scrivner.
My Strong and Scrivner line begins where their research ends. I hope this website is a worthy addendum.
Photos Acknowledgment
It would not have been possible to put the collection of old family photographs together without the help
of my Aunt Geraldine, who passed away in 2004. She spent many hours identifying people, dates and places for me.
Robert and Teresa with their grandchildren |
Daughter Brigid and her children, Owen, TJ and Erin |
At Quebec Winter Carnival |