Elizabeth COOPER
(1815-Bef 1853) |
Elizabeth COOPER 2
It is unclear whether Elizabeth Cooper and Nancy Cooper were one and the same person or two different persons. The name Elizabeth was used when she and Eliab married in 1835. She was identified as Elizabeth Strong in the 1840 will of her father, Silas Cooper, which appears in DeKalb County Will Book A at page 14. But, then the name Nancy was used when, in 1849, she and her husband, Eliab Strong, sold the fractional remainder interest her father had left her in 1840, which deed appears in DeKalb County Deed Book D at page 26. Was her full name Elizabeth Nancy Cooper? Note that Silas Cooper also had a daughter named Nancy, who was not married when her father died. Might daughter Elizabeth have died after her father died and then Eliab married her sister Nancy? 2 4 5 ![]() Elizabeth married Eliab STRONG, son of Thomas STRONG and Nancy, on 19 Nov 1835 in Wilson County, Tennessee.2 (Eliab STRONG was born in 1815 in Smith County, Tennessee 6 and died in 1870-1880 in Caldwell County, Kentucky 3.) |
1 James Robert Rolff, Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States (Published by James Robert Rolff, Oak Forest, Illinois, 1982), FHL Call No. 929.273 St 88r, FHL Microfiche No. 6,100,949, Page 229. Jim's e-mail address is jrolff@cox.net
2 James Robert Rolff, Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States (Published by James Robert Rolff, Oak Forest, Illinois, 1982), FHL Call No. 929.273 St 88r, FHL Microfiche No. 6,100,949, Page 229.
3 James Robert Rolff, Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States (Published by James Robert Rolff, Oak Forest, Illinois, 1982), FHL Call No. 929.273 St 88r, FHL Microfiche No. 6,100,949, Page 230.
4 DeKalb County, Tennessee, Deed Books, Vols. C-D, 1845-1853, FHL Film No. 593,061, Book D, Page 26.
5 James Robert Rolff, Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States (Published by James Robert Rolff, Oak Forest, Illinois, 1982), FHL Call No. 929.273 St 88r, FHL Microfiche No. 6,100,949, Page 10 of Supplement dated February, 1983 (Submission by Grace McCandless).
James Robert Rolff, Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States (Published by James Robert Rolff, Oak Forest, Illinois, 1982), FHL Call No. 929.273 St 88r, FHL Microfiche No. 6,100,949, Page 228.
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