Charles McALVAIN
(1885-1887) |
Charles McALVAIN 1 2
- Born: 25 Mar 1885, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory 3 4
- Died: 19 Jan 1887, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory 3 5
- Buried: Kennady/Kennedy Cemetery, Wister, Le Flore County, Oklahoma 3 5
Ruth McLellan, Choctaw McAlvain Genealogy, Ruthies Genealogical Realm, http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2765. Ruthie King is a 2nd Great Grandaughter of Polk McAlvain and Louisa Matilda Bowers (Curtis Alton Pugh, Lois Lucille McAlvain, Thomas Jay McAlvain, Polk McAlvain).
Family Records of George G. Johnston. George G. Johnston, son of George Goold Johnston and Ola Pearl Bowers, belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Motivated by love of family and the teachings of their church, George, who passed away in 2005, and his wife, Lela, who passed away in 2001, spent much of their life together researching their families. This included not only research at the Family History Libraries in Mesa, AZ and Salt Lake City, UT, but also genealogy trips to interview other Bowers and Anderson descendants and to find the burial places of our Bowers and Anderson ancestors, as well as extensive correspondence with other descendants. George and Lela not only researched the past, but also kept up with the marriages, births and deaths of the current descendants of John DeWitt Bowers and Tilitha Ann Anderson. Our family is indebted to them.
Ruth McLellan, Choctaw McAlvain Genealogy, Ruthies Genealogical Realm, http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2765.
Family Records of George G. Johnston, (Information from grave marker).
Family Records of George G. Johnston.