(1650-Bef 1701) |
John FULLER (I) 4 5
Although for convenience I've identified the line of John Fullers in America as I - IV, it's possible that John I was really John II. The issue is whether the John Fuller, who on 11 Jan 1655 surveyed 100 acres in Baltimore County, Maryland, which became known as Fuller's Outlet, and the John Fuller, who with his wife Hester in 1688 sold 100 acres in Fuller's Outlet, are one and the same person or father and son. See below.
Both Richard Fuller and Ronald Cofiell raise the possibility of a third son: Thomas Fuller, 1686-1725, per Richard; and Stephen Fuller, born about 1685, per Ronald. They may talking about the same person. Pending further investigation, I have decided not to list any other children. 3 4
The inventory of his estate was per Robert Barnes filed on 6 Mar 1700, which, being a date falling between 1 Jan and 24 Mar and being a date prior to the calendar changes of 1752, is by genealogical convention double dated as 6 Mar 1700/01. Thus, under the Old Style dating sytem he had died by 6 Mar 1700, or near the end of the year, which was 24 Mar 1700. Under the New Style dating system he would be considered to have died by 6 Mar 1701, since the new year began 1 Jan rather than 25 Mar. Note, however, that Ronald Cofiell cites a source for the date of the inventory as 6 Mar 1699, which if it was recorded in the Old Style format would make the double date 6 Mar 1699/00. But, that would mean Robert Barnes provided the date in the New Style format. Query. ![]() John married Hester ENLOES, daughter of Hendrick ENLOES and Christiana, in 1680 in Baltimore County, Maryland.3 4 5 (Hester ENLOES died by 5 Sep 1714 in Baltimore County, Maryland 7.)
There is no record of the exact date of their marriage. Ronald Cofiell notes that they were no doubt married by 1682, for that is the estimated year of the birth of John Fuller (II) and also the year that Hendrick Enloes conveyed "The Swallow Fork" to John Fuller (I). 3 |
1 Family Records of Richard Lawrence Fuller ( Richard descends through Samuel Fuller, the son of John Fuller (III) and his second wife, Sarah Gott.
2 Kay Fuller Mitchell, Early Southern Fullers (The Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC, 2nd Ed., 2003), Page 54. Kay's book provides rich detail, including sources, about this Fuller family, both in Maryland and in North Carolina. For anyone interested in learning more about this Fuller family, this is a must-have book. Note that Kay credits Rich and Pat Fuller of Baltimore for providing many of the sources for the information about the Fullers while in Baltimore County, Maryland. The primary sources in that regard are Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759 by Robert W. Barnes and St. John's and St. George's Parish Registers, 1696-1851 by Henry C. Peden, Jr.
3 Ronald A. Cofiell, "Hester Enloes of Baltimore County, Maryland, Daughter of Hendrick (Henry) and Christiana Enloes; and The Identity of Her Three Husbands" (Unpublished memorandum, 5 May 2006, San Francisco, CA).
4 Family Records of Richard Lawrence Fuller (
5 Kay Fuller Mitchell, Early Southern Fullers (The Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC, 2nd Ed., 2003), Page 54.
6 Robert W. Barnes, Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759, (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989), FHL Call No. 975.271 D2b, Page 233.
Ronald A. Cofiell, "Hester Enloes of Baltimore County, Maryland, Daughter of Hendrick (Henry) and Christiana Enloes; and The Identity of Her Three Husbands" (Unpublished memorandum, 5 May 2006, San Francisco, CA), This is the date her third husband, William Wright, married Juliana Benbow.
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