Elizabeth DABNEY
Elizabeth DABNEY 2
![]() Elizabeth married James HAMILTON, son of Joseph Henry HAMILTON and Nancy KIGGIN, on 11 Apr 1850 in Macon County, Missouri.2 (James HAMILTON was born about 1828 in Wayne County, Kentucky 2.) |
1 Family Records of Patricia Franks. Pat is an accomplished researcher for two lines we share, namely, Hamilton and Branscomb. She is also a double Hamilton descendant. The two lines from Charles Hamilton and Hannah Henry begin as follows: (1) Rebecca Hamilton and Abner Jones > Elizabeth Jones and William Russell Alcorn > Charles Alfred Alcorn and Nancy Elizabeth Branscomb; (2) Joseph Henry Hamilton and Nancy Kiggin > Mary (Polly) Ann Franklin Hamilton and Harrison Branscomb > Nancy Elizabeth Branscomb and Charles Alfred Alcorn. The merged lines continue as follows: Linnie May Alcorn and Joseph C. Fisher > Coralie Fisher and Kenneth Leon Meyer > Patricia Anne Meyer who married Charles Earl Franks, Jr. Her Branscomb line of descent is as follows: Richard Branscomb and Sarah Proctor > John Branscomb and Olive > Thomas Branscomb and Barbara > Harrison Branscomb and Mary (Polly) Ann Franklin Hamilton > (see above). Pat's postal address is 5644 W 650 N, Wawaka, IN 46794. Her e-mail address is pfranks@ligtel.com. Her telephone number is 260-894-3996.
Family Records of Patricia Franks.
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