Charles (Carl) Jablonsky immigrated from Germany to St. Louis in 1886. He and his wife,
Martha Stueckemann Jablonsky, had three children: Charles Jablonsky, Alice Jablonsky Strong and Ruth Jablonsky Cross.
Only Alice (my grandmother) had children of her own.

Carl (Charles) Jablonsky, c.1884, Rendsburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It would appear his military service
took him from East Prussia to Rendsburg. He may have come to America immediately upon the end of his tour of duty, for
he left from nearby Hamburg in 1886.

Martha Stueckemann Jablonsky, c.1888, St. Louis, Missouri. This is probably a wedding photograph.

Alice Jablonsky and Ruth Jablonsky, c.1898, St. Louis, Missouri.

Charles (Carl) Jablonsky, c.1888, St. Louis, Missouri. He certainly became Americanized quickly.
This appears to be a wedding photograph, since the picture of Martha Stueckemann is by the same photographer at about the
same time.

Charles and Martha Jablonsky, 1924, St. Louis, Missouri. They are pictured in front of their home at 3015 Wyoming.

Alice Jablonsky, c.1910, St. Louis, Missouri. This photograph was taken when she graduated from Strassburger's
Conservatory of Music.

Charles Jablonsky Jr., c.1910, St. Louis, Missouri.

Back Row, L to R: Harry Strong (with Earl Strong between his legs), Alice Jablonsky Strong, Martha Stueckemann Jablonsky,
Charles Jablonsky.
Front Row, L to R: Mary Jablonsky (Charlie's wife), Charlie Jablonsky, Kenneth Strong.
c.1920, St. Louis, Missouri.

Ruth Jablonsky, 1918, St. Louis, Missouri. This picture is part of a portfolio that may have been taken in connection
with her performance in a song recital.

Ruth's husband, Oscar Cross.