(1825-1892) |
![]() Sarah married Samuel Coe HAMILTON, son of Joseph Henry HAMILTON and Nancy KIGGIN, on 20 Feb 1845 in Macon County, Missouri.2 (Samuel Coe HAMILTON was born on 7 Jan 1820 in Wayne County, Kentucky 2 and died on 11 Apr 1890 in Macon County, Missouri 2.) |
1 Family Records of Patricia Franks. Pat is an accomplished researcher for two lines we share, namely, Hamilton and Branscomb. She is also a double Hamilton descendant. The two lines from Charles Hamilton and Hannah Henry begin as follows: (1) Rebecca Hamilton and Abner Jones > Elizabeth Jones and William Russell Alcorn > Charles Alfred Alcorn and Nancy Elizabeth Branscomb; (2) Joseph Henry Hamilton and Nancy Kiggin > Mary (Polly) Ann Franklin Hamilton and Harrison Branscomb > Nancy Elizabeth Branscomb and Charles Alfred Alcorn. The merged lines continue as follows: Linnie May Alcorn and Joseph C. Fisher > Coralie Fisher and Kenneth Leon Meyer > Patricia Anne Meyer who married Charles Earl Franks, Jr. Her Branscomb line of descent is as follows: Richard Branscomb and Sarah Proctor > John Branscomb and Olive > Thomas Branscomb and Barbara > Harrison Branscomb and Mary (Polly) Ann Franklin Hamilton > (see above). Pat's postal address is 5644 W 650 N, Wawaka, IN 46794. Her e-mail address is Her telephone number is 260-894-3996.
Family Records of Patricia Franks.
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